Clienti insolventi: guida al recupero crediti

I titolari di studi professionali oggi più che mai sono chiamati a gestire clienti inadempienti, ovvero coloro che non pagano quanto pattuito a fronte dei servizi ricevuti. Questa situazione può rappresentare una sfida significativa per la stabilità finanziaria dello studio e richiede un approccio strategico e metodico. Prima di entrare nel merito di quale potrebbe…

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La gestione del tempo in studio

In un contesto lavorativo in continua evoluzione, professionisti e imprenditori sono accomunati da un medesimo desiderio: avere più tempo. Essendo il tempo una risorsa limitata e pertanto non potendo agire sulla sua dimensione quantitativa, la giusta domanda da porsi in quanto titolari che organizzano le proprie giornate e ripartiscono le attività tra i collaboratori, è:…

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Coaching to improve yourself

Coaching is about helping to make key positive changes in your life. A coach can help you identify your goals, understand how to control the process better and eventually how to achieve them. Coaching is a powerful tool in today’s challenging world of business. Companies are merging, restructuring and moving and people are changing jobs…

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Idiomatic phrases similar in Italian and English

As reported in some of our previous articles, we can see many idioms or idiomatic phrases that are used throughout the English language and these can sometimes be completely alien to a non native speaker, bearing almost no resemblance to their native translations. However, sometimes this doesn’t always need to be the case, I think…

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10 of the Strangest Laws from Italy

As we have seen in a prior article regarding the peculiarities of laws and legislation around the world, sometimes there is good reason , sometimes an interesting precedent and sometimes it’s just a historical (or hysterical) motive for these rules to still exist. As many of our readers are based in Italy, let’s consider our…

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Come creare un Business Plan

Il business plan, canonicamente, è un documento che descrive l’idea imprenditoriale e la sua strategia di realizzazione. Definisce, attraverso un’attenta pianificazione, le informazioni su come realizzare la produttività economica (generazione di utili), la gestione finanziaria così come la crescita e sviluppo nel lungo periodo. È importante ricordare che lo Studio è un’impresa di servizi; pertanto,…

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Collaborating Effectively

Collaboration means two or more people working together to achieve an objective. Studies in the past have found that working together allows people to feel more motivated and helps them perform much better. People who are collaborating on tasks stay interested in their target and work for longer, feel less tired and in the end…

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10 of the Strangest Laws from Around the World

As we know in Italy we have a lot of Bureaucracy and Laws to follow, sometimes these are quite obvious and sometimes all it takes is a very unique case to bring something to legislation which none of us would have ever thought about. Whenever we hear about a new legal process or even a…

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The Rise of the “Gig Economy” and Its Impact on Business and Employment

The “gig economy” is a term that refers to a labour market which is characterised by short-term contracts or freelance work, rather than permanent jobs. In recent years, the gig economy has been on the rise, driven by the growth of technology platforms such as Uber, Airbnb, and JustEat. These platforms connect customers with freelancers…

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Business English Case Study: Parmalat

In this week’s article, we will be taking a look at one of the biggest brands from an International perspective and discussing a recent case study that is of great interest to most and especially accountants. The case study involves the well-known Italian food and beverage company, Parmalat, and highlights some of the challenges that…

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