Indagine IFAC – I commercialisti divengano un po’ imprenditori

La recente pubblicazione del periodico studio di IFAC del sondaggio internazionale in tema di più sentite problematiche nello svolgimento dell’attività professionale offre l’occasione per una riflessione sul futuro imminente che si basi non solo sulle sensazioni che ognuno ha, per i propri rapporti di lavoro più o meno locali, ma su dati tratti dall’esame di…

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How to limit liability for professional negligence

Although it is not possible to guard against every circumstance in which an accountant or auditor may run the danger of incurring liability for professional negligence[1], the following matters should be borne in mind: a) Before carrying out any work for a client, a member should ensure that the exact duties to be performed, and…

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Subsidiaries, branches and tax

Question 1 There are no taxes imposed on the formation of a subsidiary [1]. Question 2 A UK resident subsidiary would pay corporation tax on its worldwide income and gains, whereas a UK branch would be liable to corporation tax only on the items listed in question 3. The charge to UK corporation tax [2]…

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Consolidated financial statements

These consolidated financial statements [1] have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-sized Entities issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except for the modification to a fair value basis [2] for certain assets and financial…

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General purpose financial reporting

The objective of general purpose financial reporting is to provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to present and potential equity investors, lenders, and other creditors in making decisions in their capacity as capital providers. Capital providers are the primary users of financial reporting. To accomplish the objective, financial reports should communicate…

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Accountants and career perspectives

1) Choose the correct word to fill in the 8 spaces Accountants 1) in/at/for the UK are facing major uncertainty over their careers, according to new research. A study from recruitment consultant Badenoch & Clark 2) asks/tells/reports that 44% are less confident about their career 3) than/that/which they were at the start of the year….

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Small undertakings

The European Parliament voted through the new Accounting Directive in June 2013, which inter alia has simplified the accounting regime for small businesses. One implication that has not been so widely discussed is that the Accounting Directive expands the range of businesses that can be described as small. The key section is Article 3 (2),…

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